Author Archive
Malware: What is it? Who makes it? How to Protect Against it?
Here’s some great information about Malware that I saw in a newsletter from Lenny Zeltser who works with NCR security and writes a security blog at What is Malware? Simply put, malware is software — a computer program — used to perform malicious actions. In fact, the term malware is a combination of the words […]
Why Is My Tax Refund So Small?
This time of year, W-2 forms are coming in, shoe-boxes are coming out and kitchen tables are disappearing under a pile of documents. It’s tax time, and the most common set of questions we hear revolve around the same issue: Why is my refund so small? How can I make it bigger? While we are […]
Should I Get a Personal Loan or Use a Credit Card?
You need money — fast. Unless you have well-to-do (and generous) relatives or friends, your options are pretty much limited to taking out a personal loan or relying on a credit card. Which one is best for you will depend on a few things. What are the differences between personal loans and credit cards? A […]
Fall Financial Reminders
Here are some important things to note as the year comes to a close. Provided by: Ariel Monsivais, Jr., CFP®, Financial Advisor Abri Advisors located at Abri Credit Union As every calendar year ends, the window slowly closes on some notable financial deadlines and opportunities. Here are several to keep in mind before 2016 arrives. […]
Raising a Child Costs Me How Much???
I don’t think most people refuse to bring a little bundle of joy into the world because of cost. Babies are cute enough to disarm even the most fiscally sound person. But, before launching into parenthood, it isn’t a bad idea to get some idea what your offspring will cost you so you can be […]
The Benefits of a Mortgage Preapproval
Unless you were recently selected as the No. 1 pick in the NFL draft or released a hit album, you probably won’t pay for your new house in cash. Like millions of Americans, you’ll take out a mortgage. Before you begin your housing search, try to get a mortgage preapproval, which is usually good for […]