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What Kind of Home Improvements Will Add Value to My Home?
Q: I’m doing some work on my house this spring, and I’m wondering how I can increase my home’s value along the way. What kind of home improvement projects can add value to my home? A: Renovating your home with an eye toward its future value can help you recoup the costs of the project – and […]
How Can I Save on Energy Costs This Summer?
Q: Summer is here, and my energy bill is burning right through my budget! How can I save on energy costs this summer? A: It’s hot out, but you can keep your cool with our energy-saving tips! Follow these hacks to save on energy costs this summer. Have your HVAC system professionally inspected First, you’ll want to […]
5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Savings
It’s that time of year again: time to clean out those closets, polish that furniture, and clear out that clutter for good! As you work through your home, banishing dust bunnies and organizing your spaces, don’t forget to take a good look at your savings, too. Spring is the perfect time of year to review […]
8 Financially Responsible Ways to Use Your Tax Refund
It’s tax-refund season! How are you going to spend the pile of cash from Uncle Sam? Of course, you can use some of your tax refund to indulge responsibly. If you’ve been wanting to buy yourself something special for a while or to spend on an experience you generally cannot afford, by all means, you […]
Which Purchases Should I Charge to My Credit Card?
Q: I’m reevaluating my credit card use and wondering if I’m doing it right. Which purchases should I charge to my credit card? A: Your credit score, which is the key to long-term loans at favorable rates, employment opportunities, and more, depends on your credit card usage. To build credit, you need to use credit. You want […]
What is a credit card surcharge and why do I have to pay the fee?
In recent years, many businesses have started to impose a fee on customers who choose to pay with credit cards. But why is that? Merchants are required to pay credit card companies every time a customer swipes their card. The business is charged a transaction fee ranging from 1.5% to 3% of the total purchase […]