Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Malware: What is it? Who makes it? How to Protect Against it?
Here’s some great information about Malware that I saw in a newsletter from Lenny Zeltser who works with NCR security and writes a security blog at What is Malware? Simply put, malware is software — a computer program — used to perform malicious actions. In fact, the term malware is a combination of the words […]
Raising a Child Costs Me How Much???
I don’t think most people refuse to bring a little bundle of joy into the world because of cost. Babies are cute enough to disarm even the most fiscally sound person. But, before launching into parenthood, it isn’t a bad idea to get some idea what your offspring will cost you so you can be […]
How Your Teen Can Benefit From Opening a Roth IRA
Just like mine, your teenagers may have gotten jobs and worked all summer. This doesn’t mean they should have free reign to spend, spend, spend just because their bank account has swelled. It’s a tough sell to convince a teenager to put money away, but here are some really sound reasons why a Roth individual […]
Avoid Common Travel Scams Abroad
Avoid Travel Scams by Being Informed, Alert Vacations abroad provide a way to discover new places and explore interesting cultures. But they can also expose tourists to some nasty frauds. Here are some of the most common travel scams, and how to protect yourself from them. Travel and currency An official-looking individual says he’s […]
Is it time to talk to my child about…tax returns??
I’ll admit I’m not a guru of tax laws so as a mother of teenagers, it eludes me on when you know it’s time for your child to file their first tax return. Filing tax returns is arduous enough that most parents hold off on helping their child file a return for as long as humanly possible-but no parent wants their child to go to jail or get audited. Well, most days I don’t want that.