Archive for the ‘Community’ Category
When to Refinance From an Adjustable-Rate to a Fixed-Rate Mortgage
Unlike diamonds, mortgages are not forever. The ultimate goal is to pay them off and own your home free of encumbrances. But there are many good reasons to trade in your original mortgage for a new one along the way. One of the most common reasons to refinance is to move from an adjustable-rate mortgage, […]
Fall Financial Reminders
Here are some important things to note as the year comes to a close. Provided by: Ariel Monsivais, Jr., CFP®, Financial Advisor Abri Advisors located at Abri Credit Union As every calendar year ends, the window slowly closes on some notable financial deadlines and opportunities. Here are several to keep in mind before 2016 arrives. […]
Avoid Common Travel Scams Abroad
Avoid Travel Scams by Being Informed, Alert Vacations abroad provide a way to discover new places and explore interesting cultures. But they can also expose tourists to some nasty frauds. Here are some of the most common travel scams, and how to protect yourself from them. Travel and currency An official-looking individual says he’s […]
Some Interesting Facts About 529 College Plans…
As we prepare to send my first child off to college, I curse myself for not putting more aside in the 529 plan and I’ll admit I’m a little foggy on how it works. So when I saw this great article from our friends at IMN News Inc. about 529 plans I immediately gravitated to it and thought it was worth sharing.